A debt management plan is a program that is designed to help people regain control of their finances while reducing outstanding money. You can make affordable repayments to creditors by writing off the debts. Any unfortunate case where you cannot repay them to the creditors will have these loans piling up as debts. Your piled-up debts which you couldn’t pay due to financial situations can be paid by taking debt management plans that help you conquer your debts in a hassle freeway.
It is a way to control your debts and reduce the number of payments that you make to the creditor each month. This will save you on interest money and other payments. The Government of the UK has put forward a few debt management plans for the public, which will help in reducing the debts. At SwiftDebtAssist, you can choose and apply for the suitable one to live a debt-free life.
Current Monthly Payments
% Debt Written Off
Debt Amount After Write Off
Revised Monthly Payments
1 | Personal Loans | £6,000 |
2 | Credit Cards | £2,700 |
3 | Utility Bills | £1,300 |
4 | Overdrafts | £2,000 |
5 | Other Debts | £3,000 |
Total Debt Amount | £15,000 |
We offer unique and personalized services which are related to your situation and that will benefit you on a different level. We mainly focus on the individuals and solve the financial crises regardless of the circumstances.
Before applying for the debt management solution, make sure you satisfy all the eligibility criteria. The UK government has put forward a few qualifying benchmarks that have to be satisfied and qualified in order to avail of the service.
The individual applying should be at least 21 years of age to get qualified.
The applicant has to be a legal UK resident, only then he is eligible for the service.
An individual has to have a permanent UK address as proof of staying in UK.
In order to get qualified for the service, the applicant has to have a regular income.
An active bank account will get the individual qualified for the service easily.
The applicant applying for the service should not have been bankrupt in the past year.
If you are applying for a debt management plan, then it may take 36 to 60 months to repay debts.
You need to review your monthly payment statements to ensure that the IP is paying or not.
Try not to take any new credit or loan as this will lead to several penalties that you have to face.
If you make regular and timely payments to your creditors, then you can improve your credit score over time.
We know that it is difficult to be stressed under debts, so we provide the most convenient way to clear your debts. Your situation will be thoroughly analyzed by the Insolvency Practitioner from our connections before giving you a plan of action.
Submit all your required details through the online form.
Get connected with the legal IP regarding debt advice.
Start paying off the debts according to the plan to become debt-free.